Slideluck is coming back to Berlin for the fifth time this Saturday, May 2nd! Please join us at Ehemaliges Stummfilmkino Delphi Berlin a historic theater for silent films. The space has been home to extravagant soirées since the 1920s and recently reopened for cultural events. In the tradition of Slideluck, this is a potluck event, meaning guests are invited to bring dishes of a home cooked meal to share with other guests.

This event is brought to you in partnership with Conflux Magazine, EyeEm, PiB Photography in Berlin, and GUP magazine. Make Slideluck Berlin V a part of your Gallery Weekend Berlin!

Our curators for this event are Julia Schiller of Photography in Berlin and Kaetha, the Berlin-based curatorial duo. Slideluck Berlin is proud to present the work of:

Aleksei Kazantsev * Anna Simone Wallinger * Bérangère Fromont * Boris Eldagsen * Carlos Collado * Christian Reister * Cindy Morrissey * Dagmar Tränkle * Diane Vincent * Frank Bartsch * Göksu Baysal * hannah goldstein * Jan Michalko * Jan Zappner * Janina Wick * Laura Lindlief * Marika Dee * MConsuelo Alcaide * Michel Le Belhomme * Oliver Schneider * Ulrike Schmitz

Musical entertainment will be provided by Poeks, one of the founding members of Berlin’s Electronic Swing Orchestra. Please note that this is a potluck event. Potlucks are a popular party format in North America where each guest brings a home-cooked meal to share with everyone. Prizes will be awarded to the best dishes, so put on your chef hat!

Saturday | May 2nd | 2015
7pm Potluck | 9pm Slideshow | €5
Stummfilmkino Delphi | Gustav-Adolf-Straße 2 | 13086 Berlin, Germany