3 June 2015
18:00 – 21:00
Fellini Gallery
Mittenwalder Strasse 6, 10961 Berlin,
Line-up / Jason Grier (dj)
Care Of Editions presents an exhibition of photographs and video by Los Angeles artist Seth Lower. Taken between 2005 and 2015, the images represent a range of subjects, from peripheral home furnishings to a lost sock. Though loosely held together, threads emerge to speak of unity and cohesion on levels absurd and, perhaps, revelatory. A man pushes a snow shovel, dispersing flakes. A hot dog sits divided on its bun, like the Red Sea after its parting. Lower’s 19-minute video Beginnings presents related vignettes of nature overlaid with text comprising theoretical conversations, terms from a language/memory study, a smattering of partly fictitious newspaper headlines, and excerpts from the narrator’s own sci-fi novel, ruminating on creativity, philosophy, and the everlasting appeal of the planets.
GLASS BASEMENT / 2. Hinterhof
Mittenwalderstraße 6, 10961 Berlin
Mon. – Sat. 10 – 19 h
SETH LOWER – photographs and a video
presented by Care Of Editions
3. – 23. JUNE 2015
OPENING: 18 – 21 h / 3. June
with JASON GRIER (dj)