Samstag, 1. August um 14:00

vor dem schlesischen tor 2b, 10997 Berlin

It’s again time to celebrate my 26th birthday ;) This year I will celebrate it with my twin brother from another mother: Ortella! I’m super thrilled to be able to invite some of my favorite DJs to play some tunes for me:

• Chez Damier [Balance // KMS // Chicago]
One of my favorites ever since!

• Tristan da Cunha [Dungeon Meat // 20:20 Visions]
No Tristan, no party !

• Ortella [Rutilance]
My birthday present!

• Marco Petrazzi [Now Serving]
Some fresh blood from New York!

• Ricardo ‚Da Rhythm‘ [Deep Vibes Radio]
One of my favorite english guys!

• Ed Herbst [Beste Modus]
Everybody’s darling!

• stevn.aint.leavn [Beste Modus]
The name says everything!

• Jonathan Ritzmann & Marius Krickow [Beste Freunde]
The dream team!

• Tecture [Beste Freunde]
Berlin’s most talented youngster!

• Peer Du [Beste Freunde]
Lovely Peer always serves a perfect selection!

• Cinthie [Beste Modus]
Just me :)