Mittwoch, 30. September
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin
What is contemporary?
Diagnosing the present 2015–2018
When is now? How can it be conceived? The First World War threw the global order into a deep crisis, bringing upheavals whose effects we continue to feel today. The technification of warfare subsequently extended into all aspects of life. We now follow wars on the live ticker feed, new tools rapidly become obsolete, human thinking and action seem to be focused exclusively on the present. 100 YEARS OF NOW attempts a multidimensional diagnosis of the times: What horizons are opened up when the period under observation is again expanded beyond the reach of our own memory? The four-year project will be launched with a congress from September 30 to October 4.
Photos: CERN; NASA; Claude Shannon: courtesy of MIT Museum; public domain | collage & design: NODE Berlin Oslo