The Body & Sexuality in Film

Group Exhibition Featuring Works by Shu Lea Cheang, Bruce La Bruce, James Bidgood, Krefer &Turca, MuD, and others during the 10. PornFilmFestival Berlin.

Vernissage: 20.10, 2015, 18.00

Exhibition Duration / Ausstellungsdauer: 21 Oktober – 5 November 2015,
Tuesday (Dienstag) – Saturday (Samstag), 14.00 – 19.00, and by appointment (und nach Vereinbarung)

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SomoS presents the international group exhibition “Fixation,” charting artistic examples of the representation of the body, nudity, sexual identity and sexuality in art movies.

By way of art-, still- and behind-the-scenes photography and promotional materials, it portrays the changing ways of the depiction of the naked body and sexuality, as it reflects societal preoccupations or ideals, from themes such as “Sexual Liberation,” GLTB Rights, to Prostitution, Automation, Internet and Cyberspace.

The exhibition presents original photographic works by James Bidgood, Shu Lea Cheang, Bruce LaBruce, Jack Mitchell a.o. The show coincides with artporn veteran producer Jürgen Brüning’s Berlin PornFilmFest 2015 presenting current erotic art cinema, taking place at Moviemento Cinema (opposite SomoS).

SomoS will hosts several cultural events of the Filmfestival, such as a Casting Performance for Shu Lea Cheang’s new film project “Fluid.”