13. Juli 2019 von 23:00 bis 08:00

Club OST
Alt-Stralau 1-2, 10245 Berlin

Kepler 452b — The Sound of Intergalactica is a reunion of Kepler artists from around the world and a celebration of the achievements of Kepler community. We are excited to launch our special edition double-LP, which consists of the best tracks from Kepler artists.

In the past two years, we have created 14 events in 6 different cities within the context of electronic music- and art festivals. The explosion of creativity has led to the manifestation of many beautiful moments and a tangible gift from Kepler artists—a special edition double-LP titled: 八仙过海, 各显神通. (Ba Xian Guo Hai, Ge Xian Shen Tong – 8 gods crossing the sea; each demonstrating their unique superpower. )

Borrowing the meaning from a Chinese idiom of a folklore, the story is a metaphor for the community we have successfully established—a community of talented, powerful individuals that genuinely support each other for their highest pursuit—a community of collective-individualism.

During this special Kepler journey, audience/visitors will take part in the interactive experience for internal soul searching and external connectivity. When raving to The Sound of Intergalactica, individuals will learn about the cosmic secret of energy, vibration and frequency. With the assistance of Kepler artists, aka. Kepler gods, they will be transported to exoplanet Kepler 452b by completing a personal and collective transformation!

Artefakt (Live)
Tropikal Camel + Abu Hajar (Live)
San Tai Zi aka. MIIIA (Live)
Mataya Waldenberg (Live)
Creams (Live)
Callum Stone

Techno Tai Chi by Ma Li
Asynced orbits by Shaban
Dance Floor Intervention by Darwish Haidar
Galactic Soul Train by Rebekka Jamila
Cosmic Breathing Excises by Yola
Contemporary Butoh by Nobutaka Shomura
Mindfulness Moment by Lee
Spoken words and Spanking Lesson by Ash

Tickets available on the door: 15€

Kepler 452b

Kepler 452b is an artist and humanist community based in Berlin with members around the world. We create fully orchestrated spaces that blur the line between the audience and performer. Analogous to a great space migration, the journey is an internal process, upgrading one to the super-self that inspires a personal and collective transformation. The mission of the community is to search and train interdisciplinary artists and produce Spiritual Techno Queer icons, aka the Kepler gods. The Kepler gods are intergalactic influential ravers who master the essence of energy, vibration and frequency. By generating positive energy, raising the vibration and frequency, they are on a mission to create the most authentic community that truly embraces collective-individualism, based on the principles of openness, compassion, sustainability, creativity and love.