Opening: Friday 17.00 – Exhibition, Sparkling Wine & Snacks
Illambra is a Streaming Platform for films below the surface and beoyond the noise of big tv companies, institutions and whatnot. Free spirited, experimental and unconventional we’re presenting mainly short films of a wide variety of genres.
We’re building our platform from the roots and with a physical base where it’s not only a website like youtube you watch films on, but a site where film makers, audience and all guests actually meet up in the physical world at our annual film festival! Watch films together, listen to Q&A with the makers and simply have a good time.
In addition to our film program we host an exhibition at the venue together with the Art Gallery „Raum für Drastische Massnahmen“.
Friday 13th and Saturday 14the of Dezember
18h – 23h
Free Entry