Today we speak to TON618 ahead of his inclusion in the „The Future is Unwritten“ release, the last ever release from SYNTHEKE Records.

How would you describe your work to someone who doesn’t know you?

TON 618 music is the shape of Space in sound. Is the forefront of the XXI century modern experimental music. Is the knowledge of Space aware to the masses.

Your last record? Tell us how it came together?

Good question. It cames from the idea to make aware the masses to what is astrophysics and astronomy, using music to link everything.
“Space Is Full Of Noise” came out during the late 2019 and mostly built during the pandemic, finished early this year. The cover was decided when James Webb Telescope was launched, and it should be its first pic ever. So no one could know it until the very end. So the idea came out as a continuous process. Exactly as Space, and science discoveries are. Some tracks have been arranged during recent discoveries, like “Deep Space Field”, or M87, which contain a featuring, the only one, from Riccardo Noè, only available for the digital version of the album.

What would you say ties all your music together? What’s important to you?

Many things are important at the same time. What tie first is always think exactly what the artist want to do. If a specific genre is decided, if the materials, the DAW, the instruments are aligned with all, what came out 90% will reach the goal expected. Second, always try to make something new, never created before. The idea to create an album made with sounds from Space, to TON 618, is something never realized before, entirely.

Tell us a little bit about your studio and how you are setup?

Ableton live 10
Logic X
Various external plug-ins
MacBook pro
Sounds from space
AKG headphones

No rewire for DAW, no hardware synths.

What is the one instrument you would never get rid of, no matter what?

Sounds from Space. Without them, TON 618 could never exist.

Would you say having your own show is important in the modern music scene?

TON 618 have not planning any show for the near future. But it will see. Shows are not considered so much needed. The most important thing remain music. Sharing music, linking people to the knowledge of Space, helping humanity to transcend the state of consciousness about it.

What makes you happy?

Space, infinite knowledge

What bothers you?


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