Rechtzeitig zum Jahresende präsentiert das Urban Art Clash Kollektiv die „Kunstrausch“ Gruppenausstellung mit ausgesuchten und neuen Werken der Künstler Clique… EL BOCHO // INNERFIELDS // RAFAEL ALVAREZ // BEA DAVIES // KEVIN GRAY // MAREK SCHOVÀNEK // CREN ONE //...
Some musicians go on tour for their fans. BONAPARTE goes on tour for art. Brooklyn based artist Tim Fite was tired of drawing in a room alone, so Bonaparte created an entire european concert-tour where Tim could draw in...
  START 19:00 Jungbusch Berlin Weserstrasse 16, 12047 Berlin PHOTOGRAPHS. FUCKED UP FRIDAY. VODKA. BEER. MUSIC. FRIENDS. BERLIN. Since quite some time, he’s been searching out the streets of Berlin and countless other places for his subjects. These pictures just happened by themselves. Conrad...
  MICROWORLDS – DORIS HANSEN Start: 19 Uhr S0MA liegnitzer str 34, 10999 Berlin The swaying of the viewer – Doris Hansen’s microworlds All concepts and realizations of Berlin-based artist Doris Hansen rely on the meta-idea of microworlds. She gives them shape in installations,...
Hungriger Geist is a new art project space in Berlin. At HG, we don’t only focus on art but also on food and healing. Our chef Nicholas Petrucci has been trained by Hiroshi Hyashi, master japanese chef in areas...
C/O Berlin präsentiert vom 24. Januar bis 5. April 2015 die Ausstellung Blow Up . Antonionis Filmklassiker und die Fotografie. Die Eröffnung findet am Freitag, den 23. Januar 2015, um 19 Uhr im Amerika Haus in der Hardenbergstraße 22-24,...
PLATOON KUNSTHALLE Berlin Schönhauser Allee 9, 10119 Berlin Container Architecture Exhibition vernissage: SAT 8 NOVEMBER / 20:00 with a DJ set by Lucas Adrian, exhibition is running until FRI 19 DECEMBER. you can see the exhibition from MON – SAT between 12:00 and...
Im Urban Spree gibt es wieder eine neue Street Art Ausstellung. Diesmal wird auf Polen zurück gegriffen. Die besten Künstler der polnischen Street Art Szene unter anderem MC CITY, ETAM CRU, ROBERT PROCH, CHAZME, CZARNOBYL sind dafür am Start....
Freitag, 21. November um 17:00 Radialsystem V Holzmarktstraße 33, 10243 Berlin The 1990’s was a legendary decade in Berlin – abandoned department stores and apartments, empty stores and factories were discovered and occupied by space pioneers and creative people from all around...