Label Interview: Volume Berlin Records

Webseite | Agentur | Beatport | Facebook | Instagram Wie bist du dazu gekommen, das zu tun, was du tust? Wann kam die erste...

Label Interview: Subject To Restrictions Discs

The Zurich-based label Subject To Restrictions Discs caught our attention with their release ‘Kraus is the Limit’ by the band Dâdalus & Bikarus. Their...

Label Interview: 3.Stock Music

Webseite | Instagram Wie bist du dazu gekommen? Wann kam die erste Idee, das Label zu kreieren? Ich bin mit Musik aufgewachsen. Mein Opa hatte Salsa...

Labelinterview: OMBRA

bandcamp How did you come to do what you do? When did the first idea of creating the label came out? After years of running...

Label Interview: T-Records

Deutsch: Wie bist du dazu gekommen, das zu tun, was du tust? Wann kam die erste Idee, das Label zu kreieren? Musik ist schon immer ein...

Label Interview: Small Great Things

SC | IG | Platten In one sentence: What do you do?We are a Berlin-based house music label that releases vinyl records. How did you come...

Label Interview: All I Need

Interview with Andrea Oliva: How did you come to do what you do? When did the first idea of creating the label came out? I was...

Label Interview: Humanoid

FACEBOOK LINK How did you come to do what you do? When did the first idea of creating the label came out? Humanoid started as an...

Label Interview: +98

How did you get into doing what you do? When did the first idea to create the label come up? Well, the label game...